Reducing global warming: The UN has estimated that the meat industry generates almost one fifth of all greenhouse gasses, which accelerate climatic change and exceeds the entire amount generated by transportation. It may thus be concluded that our environment is affected by our eating habits more than by anything else.
Minimizing the use of water: The amount of water needed for animal breeding is huge, far exceeding the amount of water needed to cultivate vegetables or cereals. It has been estimated that more than 15 thousand litres of water are needed to produce a single kilogram of meat, unlike cereals and vegetables, which require only a few hundreds of litres per kilogram.
Nike sneakers | Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG 'University Blue' — IetpReducing dependability on fuel: On the average, cca. 40 calories of energy obtained from fossil fuels yield one calorie of animal meat and 2.2 calories of vegetal protein.
Reducing the cost of health care: Preventing chronic conditions can reduce the total cost of health care by as much as 70%. By reducing the risk of illness, we can minimize the cost of health care in our country or redirect the finances to cure those diseases that are not influenced by our eating habits.